My Dear Baby
My Dear Baby, Mommy and Daddy never thought we would get to be this far in—18 weeks! You are a dream. You are a blessing we stand in awe of. You are a work of art our God has created, and we are blessed to get to be the vessels that hold and adore you. We are amazed to have gotten this far, but we are still scared. Your Mommy still makes a plan each time she goes to the doctor—a plan of action of who to call and where to go if the doctor utters words that say we have lost you. I still have day dreams (nightmares) of things that could go wrong. I still worry that my body is not enough to support you—I feel like a failure each time I’m asked to go on a vitamin supplement, as if the body that was meant to hold you can’t sustain you. You know what? My body isn’t enough. Your Mommy and Daddy are not and will never be enough. We are not perfect, and you will not be coming into a perfect world. We will both falter. There will be times we are unfair to you. We are sinners. We are ...